Tuesday, November 20, 2007

well, it's come to this

so with two months of living in my parents' house ahead of me, i've decided to make strides in combatting boredom. this has lead me to reading about a book every two days and spending an appalling amount of time browsing through profiles of old friends on the facebook. if technology is anything, it's creepy.
at any rate, i'm going to try and write 'actual' things to put on here, shying as far away from the meanderings of a pre-teen as much as i can. (by 'actual' i mean full stories/essays/what have yous i write while at home. i'm not trying to sound self-righteous.) ((re-reading that made me sound really self-righteous. sorry.))
but if i do run into a cute girl, or if something stellar happens at the mall, it may show up. just so you know.

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